Thursday, 20 June 2013

First blog

So, this is my first blog, and at the moment, I don't think there's much to say. I'm not a comfortable blogger anyhow. Perhaps it will come with practise but who knows.

For anyone that is interested, I have created this because I am about to publish my first book on Amazon. I know that to be successful, one has to be part of the internet, like some sort of web-android thing.

Ok, so, book. At the moment I am doing last minute things, and putting myself under pressure to do them within the next week or two, because I need some sort of deadline. It's working too, because two days ago I still didn't have a title, and now I do, and I'm working on the blurb. I need to design a cover for the book, but I'm on it, I think.

So book one is now going to be called Pure Phallusy. I still need a name for the series, well, trilogy, as it stands, and don't know whether to just call the whole series Pure Phallusy, or whether it should be something like, The Adventures of Charlie etc etc etc, which is a little dull.

I still have some last checks to do on the manuscript before I format it properly to be put up on Amazon, but I'm not expecting much of a problem.

So, best get to it...

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